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simply crystals

White Sage 4" Wand

Regular price $12.50 AUD
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California White Sage

What is your purpose for smudging? and what and what are you wanting to achieve? You then want to light the stick at one end for about 20 second before blowing it out allowing it to smolder.

When smudging a house or any other space ensure you have a door or widows open to allow the unwanted energy to have a pathway out. Ensure you get into all cupboards and corners. 

When smudging a person or yourself gently swirl the smoldering stick around them ensuring to cover from head to toe. This will cleanse their aura.

Once your cleansing is done ensure your stick is completely extinguished, you can do this by rubbing it out in sand or soil. 

Use your own blessing while doing this, or you may choose to use one of the examples below. 



Into the smoke I release all negativity, 

Liberate my mind from all uncertainties,

Cleanse my heart from any animosity, 

Fill my spirit with love and happiness 

I cleanse myself fully, 

That I move through this world with grace.


Air and fire ignite this gift from earth, 

Fill this space with sacred smoke, 

Grab hold of all negativity,

Take it away, leave none behind, 

Leave this place with positive energy, 

Empowering those who enter with light and love.